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Here is my heart for ministry...

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Hi. I am Richard Reising. For about 25 years I have been honored to serve church and missional leaders from all over the globe. I help them understand the roots of their current results, clarify God-given calling, and bring strategy and implementation together to see ministry dreams come to pass. In the process, I have founded Engagement Group and Artistry Labs, consulting and branding firms full of amazing people that partner with churches and missional organizations to achieve God-given dreams. I also authored Church Marketing 101—a book that provides unique insights and strategies for healthy church growth.

When I am not doing that stuff, I am focused on the fun business of being husband to an amazing wife, Michele, and dad to an incredible daughter, Gabriella.


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A Consulting Firm that helps you overcome your Potential Gap.

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A Branding Firm that helps you create a bridge to those you are called to reach.

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When I speak on stuff... :-)

The Book

Church Marketing 101: Preparing Your Church for Greater Growth
Richard wrote the book on church marketing…Literally
In Church Marketing 101, Richard Reising offers fresh insight into what creates and hinders church growth. From a solid, biblically-based foundation, he reveals how small changes can have a big impact and how strategic marketing can set your church apart—creating momentum that changes the life of your church and community for eternity.
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Brad Abare Headshot

"Richard Reising approaches the subject of church marketing with the brilliance of a businessman and the passion of a pastor. Required reading for every pastor in America."

Brad Abare, Founder
Personality™ and Center for Church Communication

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